NZXT Function Elite MiniTKL - Hall effect switches, gasket mount, metal top, not bad at all
My second keyboard LUMINKEY LX60
Just Flight F28 Pro v2 upgrade changelog
Tofu60 Redux kit
10k to let a stranger look through your phone
What's gonna be your first flight in inibuilds A350 when it releases? Fight Factor A350+Xplane 12!
The B742 is the only reason I still have X Plane at this point
How old were you when you started playing RL and what rank are you now?
My first custom keyboard
CS Student That Has To Type A Lot
I’m flipping over my new office build.
my Longest flight so far with the A380 is 13hrs from London to Singapore, what's yours
Opinion on candykeys
Sonnet with custom weight
Best Budget Keyboard!
My keyboard looks like a mocha coffee
[LumeKeebs' Giveaway Day 6] Bridge75 Keyboard Standard Silver + 15% OFF Everything in Our Store!
Why do my pmdg 737-800 screen look like this
Elecfox Giveaway Day 3 – Win 70 Gateron Magnetic Jade Pro Switches + 20% OFF All Switches!
Favourite build at the moment
Neo Giveaway: 2 Neo65s, 1 Neo Ergo, and 1 Neo75Cu
MK Giveaway: Evoworks Evo80 Keyboard
Some extra
My favorite Dutch brewers
[LumeKeebs Giveaway Day 1] 70x Gateron Magnetic Jade Linear Switches