People from small towns "where everybody knows everybody": What did someone do that was so embarrassing they had to move away?
Dad wrote up a legalese “compact” about little sister’s allowed car usage [read desc.]
How does your relationship with your partner compare to mine?
This is the way I show affection to my husband; other men in LTRs, what do you think?
How does the way I show affection to my husband compare to most women?
Can you tell me if I’m above the average woman when it comes to showing my husband sexual affection?
What would day to day life look like for Americans under a Trump dictatorship?
World kinda sucks right now, so what have you got going on in your life to be happy about?
Guys who provide their wife everything, what do you do for a living?
AITA for calling to check on my wife while she is out late?
This makes me smile
Thoughts on Libra woman, Taurus man pairing?
What the heck is 4D movement?
How many times your own salary would your wife need to make to quit your job?
Petah, where is this going
Are anyone’s ears noticeably ringing more often than usual?
I’m selling an iPhone 14 Pro Max on eBay. Is someone trying to scam me? More info in post below.
Starseed human bodies - unique markings
Move out of the way, I NEED my food!
Guys, why don’t you get upset when we wake you up for some nookie?
Guys, why don’t you get upset when we wake you up for sex?
Do you ACTUALLY want us to wake you up if we want sex?
What’s the strangest gut feeling you’ve ever had that ended up being right?
What happens to the people that have been caught on video that went viral doing something entitled, rude, mean, etc? Are they eventually found? Does it have a major impact on their lives?
Donation campaigns/somiditation have ruined donating for me.