What is the funniest book you've ever read?
What's the worst Zappa album?
Quick! Your house is on fire! You can save one book- what book are you saving?
Happy I joined this group
Any band recommendation?
Rock band that's obscure but you think is brilliant
Does anyone know if this Ernest Hemingway signature is real?
This is my favorite pic of Frank. He looks so happy here.
Favorite songs/basslines to play on bass? No wrong answers!!
Name a band that formed in the 60’s and was great through the 70’s and avoided putting out one crap album in the 80’s
Favorite version of the torture never stops?
How would you guys describe an “Adirondack mile” to someone who has never hiked in the Adirondacks before?
Who is this? (Wrong answers only)
Is this a first edition first printing?
We all have opinions on Magdalena. Lets hear em
What’s your favorite opening sentence from a book?
Best Zappa songs to listen to in the gym?
I Am A New Fan
Why using tape is a bad idea when trying to repair a book.
Is this sort of media rare/collectable?
Need help identifying if this is mold
Help in protecting books.
Identifying books
Who do you think was the biggest fan before they got hired for the band?
in terms of subject matter, what is the weirdest Zappa album?