Cryonaia & Harak Human Disguises! (Art by Bentleydings)
Human Disguises for my Hypogeans
Who is the most evil character in Arcane?
AFK Journey Fun Fact!
1st Year Anniversary coming up soon...
Get this shit out of the game
Lets talk about Master Yi!!!
Who voice acted Eomir?
Why is the guy with infinite gold robbing banks? Is he stupid?
Why arent they still playable? :(
Young Sigmund and Eomir meet (Art by BentleyDings)
What Would Happen If Eomir Lived???
No wonder he hasn’t had a banner yet
Voice Actors?
The Holy Trinity (Art by BentleyDings)
I'd love to see how Master Yi's story plays out in an Arcane Ionian Spin-off.
Will there be a season 3?
They have lost a lot of credibility
What do you guys think Yi will be like in the Arcane spin-offs?
Post Corruption Eomir (Art by Me!)
Two Kings Finally Getting Along
The New AFKJ Season Be Like (Art By Me)
Berial is one of my favorite characters! (Art by me!)
Wise old men of AFK Journey! (Art By Me!)