What would y'all want from a fnaf world movie and what will you want the plot to be, for me I would like a more jokish movie that's self-aware. (Yes I made the render)
Was FNAF AR ever good?
Who is more evil?
Am I the only one who wishes this cutscene was like...
Make the comments look like what Purple Guy was saying during this cutscene
If you were to give Gabriel some sort of importance(since he’s posed by Freddy fricken Fazbear the mascot of the series) what would it be?
Is Sonic Origins worth getting?
What are YOUR thoughts on Fazbear and Friends returning?
Controversial Opinion, I think that the voices from the unused Help Wanted FNaF 1 Performance suits the FNaF 1 Gang instead of the voices we got from FNaF AR. There's just something about it that feels right, it reminds me of CEC and RAE.
You know what else is massive?
so uh any thoughts on Fazbear and friends coming back?
Sooo... Fazbear and Friends is coming back...
For all of y’all who are voting Freddy, why? Just curious please explain respectfully
From What I've Gathered
(Feel free to use) Franchise Lore Alignment Chart
Why do people ship William and Henry??
What character is this?
Tails reacted to your last saved image like this. What was it?
(grandpa afton !?) couch person solves midnight motorist ?
Name the last game you played, but slap "& Knuckles" at the end
How accurate is this?
What's your favorite quote from this guy? (Wrong answers only)
Why do people think the toys aren’t possessed?