Most Overrated and Underrated Story Mode level in your opinion?
Which villain would you side with?
Favorite creation created by Logic?
Most underrated Story Mode theme?
Opinions on LBPKs level editor?
LBPK Photos
Opinions on the Space Bass theme from LBPK
Images I have from LBPK
Favorite level from each game?
the best albums to ever exist are out
What would you do if you lived in Craftworld?
Question about LBP3 PS3
What would you do if you had a army of Sackbots?
How to create conveyor belts in LBP1
Playing LBPK
Completed LBPK for the first time.
How do I fix this
Got all of this in the mail.
Looking back at LCE's history. Does anybody still have any of the limited edition Minecon skin packs?
Opinions on TURISAS from LBPK?
Just bought all of this though Gamestop