Help learning a new language
How Accurate is Google Translate if you paste Greek text to English? Or ask to translate from English to Greek.
Russian friend
Any social media creators or YouTube channels that show conversational Greek in practice?
What language is this
[Unknown> English] can someone identify
I just noticed this above my front door. Does it have any meaning?
Τι σημαίνει "σταρχιδιαμας";
Can Greeks easily tell by your accent when Greek is not your native language? Similar to how an American might instantly recognize when we hear somebody who was not a native speaker?
Learning the grammar and different conjugations?
Offering: Greek | seeking: Russian
As a man i have a question, with all the respect, why the most attractive women date the most unattractive guys?
What's the worst betrayal you've ever witnessed?
I want to start learning Russian and I don’t know what to do or where to start.
What is something that tells you immediately a person grew up in rich?
What fascinates you about the world the most?
Чуваки, будет немного грустно, но хочется спросить: вас когда-нибудь предавали друзья? И как это было? Поделитесь своими историями
Είναι δυο κρουασάν και παίζουν πόκερ ποίο θα κερδίσει
Do you think my voice changed when I shifted to Russian?
Help to learn
Why I hear people stressing "смотрите " at O, is this legit?
Have you ever been emotionally affected by a dream as if it were real?
Offering: "Greek" | seeking: "Russian"