First five quail!
What to Look for in Quail
Chances are slim, but can you identify thi tree from this branch?
The city planted a tree and I have no idea what it is! Any guesses? Might be clearer when the leaves come in a couple months.
Quail in SE Michigan
Found in rocks bought for our yard in the Omaha, NE area
Sweat Bee Fly (And Feather Question)
I'm thinking this is a petoskey stone (found off Lake Michigan with a whole bunch of others), but the color is very irregular for a petoskey. Any thoughts on what might make this one so different?
Brown Trout In North America
Always been a big fan of the cover art on Our Endless Numbered Days. Tried to re-imagine it in acrylic as the album turns 20 in five days.
Trout Fishing Southwest Michigan
Is there a way in Pycharm to select all strings?
Not the sexiest thing to forage for, but better than nothing :)
Tea made with clover, grape hyacinth, and dandelion!
Made a healthy amount of Allium butter (*Allium vineale*)!
Could I get some ID help—confident it's in the Allium genus (hollow cross section, garlicy smell). I'm in Michigan, for reference
Any thoughts on preparing grey field-speedwell (Veronica polita)?
Raised flower bed I made from old board in basement, wood staves and scrap metal from work.
Wisconsin bear family
i put the grape hyacinth syrup on my chocolate chip pancakes and it was super sweet and yummy!
Michigan Mole Hills?
Can somebody ID this tree? Zone 6.
Wisteria syrup! Foraged a crapton of wisteria out in San Diego and made deliciousness.
Dock, mallow, wood sorrel, dandelion!