Patch 7.2 Notes (Preliminary) | FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone
Help with Veronica, BBK, Eligos cleave
Fceci buff when
JoCat’s arbitrary weapon rating, how true you see it?
Anyone here loves Amid? If there isn't a non-attack punisher, she'll always be on my team.
Made it champion now(bearly) am I finally considered average?
Stellar Blade's combat is Stellar
It's finally happening!
Danjin Triple Sentry
well…someone is cheating
Any idea who might use this?
Appreciation Post for Eve's Heel-less Boots
So what is this, actually?
New RTA rank "Warlord"
What measures I need for a 1/7 Albedo Figurine for 1 acrylic display case for example? Cuz I am unsure
(17/3) Upcoming World Arena Improvements Notice
Cleared Brawl Challange mode 3 times at level 22.
I am tired of getting cleave to death.
I hit 68k S1 with def break on this STaeyou
Thoughts on Successor Taeyou
Ravi skin frame/frame - Is it just me or this one looks smoother than og one?
Arunka by punimon
Boss Arunka
ML Taeyou - Early Thoughts?
1 vs 4 ML Taeyou comeback