Bands like red clay strays?
Bout time it’s happened
Did my roommate win chat? No words have been exchanged
If a genie offered your team 3 national titles over the next 30 years...
Coins on top of vending machines?
Still chasing the mythic 10lb. Maybe one day!
I wish this fish’s body matched her head
Wondering weight on this Bass.
It's literally the opposite
Nebraska likely to cancel spring game over transfer concerns
Number of F5/EF5 tornadoes per state (since 1950)
Does being tall really helps with dating ?
And this does.. what?
Please ban Twitter/X links
I hate being trans.
I’m 5’9. This was a 5 hour international flight on a full fare airline.
[Postgame Thread] Nebraska Defeats Boston College 20-15
[Game Thread] Pinstripe Bowl: Nebraska vs. Boston College (12:00 PM ET)
It just means more
Day 16 Of Trying To Get A Comment From Every US County!
Give your rival a gift for Christmas
Saw on the wall of an abandoned building in Iowa
May get heat for this but I’m 5’7 and this is my face card. I’ve had success in life and romantically. To all you who claim height is law, I’m here to say it is in fact BS.