The packaging said there would be 300…
What boss is this for you?
Don’t know if this has been posted already
Hell yeah
Eagles over metric
What does this character start with?
Much needed materials indeed
If Silksong comes out in 2026, I will buy everyone that comments in here the game AND the platform they play it on
Is this rare or something
If Silksong comes out in 2025, I will buy everyone that comments
What should I spend 1 trillion on
Workshop Skin
Surface tension
Just rolled my first joint.
I re-downloaded minecraft on my ps4 and it took me to old minecraft and now I’m crying
Nu när det har gått ett tag och Armalis är tillbaks, vad tycker ni om situationen med Armalis och Palola?
BROOOO What are the odds?!?!
Custom R6 Coffeetable
Stuck in Sheol
Rate my setup
How much GB do you think GTA VI will be?
What is a flex that you rarely talk about?
If you could pick any book/movie/etc to have a video game adaptation, and it was GUARANTEED to be good, what would you pick and what would the game be like (genre, gameplay, etc)?
Which would you take?