What is the way to this questionnaire?
i just came across this fantasy subgenre, and now i crave an rpg that embodies it
could i sell this?
Someone cooked here...
Portrait from life in progress
Looking for recommendation on cozy high fantasy RPG game.
'What have you been playing?' Wednesday - Talk about the games you are playing
Ps5 (hopefully on ps premium)
Super casual co-op games?
Which RPG did you fall in love with despite not thinking it's for you initially?
Jedan od Rubensovih satira ( nedovrsen )
Iskustva sa Akademija likovnih umjetnosti u Sarajevu
This is the biggest oil painting I’ve ever done
Realizam po treci put lmao
How do I make her neck look less skinny
did i cook or nah
Art Academys that are focused on teaching tradicional skills of painting and drawing
Likovna akademija koja se fokusira na tradicionalno slikarstvo
Art Academies that are focused on tradicional art
What's your comments on this?
What the Heck did i just do? I'm so confused. The Wraiths were unkillable no matter how many times i hit them. They had like 30k health then took no damage. "I could use a portal right now..."
Arcana locked