The first object on your right would be this puppy name
What was your biggest fear when you were a child?
What’s your best toy for naughty time with your partner?
What sport is the hardest to come back in when losing? Stats to back it up?
What could you really use right now?
What slang term do you refuse to use ?
What's a good movie you don't want to re-watch?
[SERIOUS] Be honest, are you faithful? Why or why not?
If a child ask you “What is the purpose of being alive” how would you respond?
If you sleep naked, when you get up for a glass of water, do you put on clothes?
What feels like therapy to you ?
What's your view on African life before religion?
What's your favourite insult or comeback?
What is the longest time you have gone without sex ?
Big dicks are good for bragging, but not for sex.
Home Internet
Do men actually like the feel of deep throat, isn’t all the feeling in the tip?
Biological facts women should know about the male body but don't?
What sexy fact do you know about someone, who isn't aware that you know?
Why can he last so long when I am blowing him but less during sex ?
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How to find dark web site links
Recommend some DARK WEB sites to visit.
Give it a name (it's a woman)
what is the most scariest/disturbing websites you know?