Can someone explain YSL All Hours foundation shades to me?
Will changing the finish destroy the bright cut engraving?
Rachel Bloom?
My engagement ring and wedding band
What is your shampoo and conditioner holy grail?
I’ve gotten soft autumn, light spring and true spring- which one?
Why do foundations always look perfect in-store but weird at home?
Which looks better for a casual hangout?
Would you postpone your wedding if you couldn't wear makeup on your wedding day?
Desperately need help! Is my prom dress too boring? Senior girl- just want to make my last prom memorable!
Does Catalina sound too much like a stripper name?
Do people generally not leave their toaster out on the kitchen counter?
Escaping the cute trap
date night. 1, 2, 3, or 4?
Is this a really stupid idea?
My audiogram as a person with SCDS
How do you introduce yourself in IEP meetings?
Surgeon scared me off
Foundation for PALE dry skin that doesn’t pill
Is Ms. Cobel Lil Nicky's girlfriend or am I stoned out of my mind
do you guys think luck is real?
Day Trip from Oahu to Another Island
Has anyone tried this cut of dress?
If you could only say 4 words