Who would you like to see in the final season make an appearance?
what’s an obx opinion you’re defending like this?
What’s yours?
Literally the only two reasons why I’m tuning in for the final season.
1-5 your choices
Topper’s hypocrisy with rafe💀
In your opinion who is the most underrated character?
I don’t know why but I can’t watch season 4
whats a couple everyone ships that you hate?
Characters ranked
How is Sarah going to cope in S5?
Who’s your guys favorite character?
Sooo annoying
RIP to Kiara’s character. A true testament of what happens when you allow the fans to write a character for you.
Which friendship is your favorite?
After Pope who do you think is the smartest out of the Pogues?
I was more worried about rafe than jj in season 4
The writers saying they were always gonna do it is such a lie
People forget that Sarah’s a cheater
Who else actually loves John B and Sarah
Am I the only one that doesn't hate OBX 4?
Season 3 ending
Sarah in Season 2
Season 4 felt like a fanfiction gone wrong.
season 5 (spoiler warning)