Megathread 20: HYBE / ADOR / MHJ - Injunction Hearing Proceedings provide more Details, Many Legal Schedules Ahead, and More
What are the most expensive photocards of idol ever sold??
IQIYI, one of the largest drama streaming platforms in Asia, has featured #JUNGKOOK's "Euphoria" as background music in the latest popular Chinese drama, "The Best Thing".
Where are you watching "The best thing" and "the first frost"?
What do other fandoms think about BTS?
Most popular Kpop songs from the past 2 years?
Kpop Soloists that have reached the top 10 on Billboard 200 (by units)
Alia is getting racist remarks by kpop fans on twitter
Megathread 19: HYBE / ADOR / MHJ - NewJeans works towards rebranding as NJZ, Visa issue follow-up, New agency speculation, and More
Kpop albums that have charted all their songs on Global Spotify
Which kpop groups are popular in the SEA region?
Jungkook was insane for this.
The hate for Lisa is a little too excessive
What music genre and concept you want BTS to try in their next comeback in 2025/2026.
The constant fixation of beating or "sticking it" to BTS is making y'all look really desperate and insecure
BTS are the 5th largest shareholders of HYBE.
Don't you think album sales heavily depends on version and photocards??
the only charting songs on spotify today are solos from BTS and BP
Let's play a game! Comment a word and another person comments a kpop song with that word in the title.
When other fandom use "kpoppie", i laugh so hard
Final Review for 白色橄欖樹 The White Olive Tree
Who are the Most popular kpop groups and soloist in japan??