What went wrong?
Your pick for main leads with amazing onscreen chemistry vs one with 0
This is cinema ❤️. Getting kind of emotional looking at the growth of ayyagaru from his debut in Manam to now Agent, what an actor man 🥹
Which is more visually appealing: Game of Thrones or Baahubali 2 ?
5 teams have a new captain this season, whose captaincy are you looking forward to the most?
Will take a while to get used to this!
What’s one thing Baahubali 2 did better than any Hollywood fantasy film?
The streets will never forget!
ITAP of a double rainbow!
Your favorite interval cliffhanger?
ITAP of a lamp post
Another copied song from Nuvve Nuvve
What is Samantha’s best performance according to you?
He always chooses a different path
Bro had the most destructive PR even before the term PR came into relevance in south.
Robinhood third single Adhidha Surprisu song
Movies that backfired because promotions?
Priyanka Chopra arrives in Hyderabad for the pre-production of SSMB29
Actress Samantha before she became famous!
khel khel mein didn’t deserve to flop at the box office
Why are they ignored
What Is It For You ?
Do American employers/companies weigh foreign university degrees the same as American ones?