Two player simplified D&D?
Still haven’t switched to Remastered…should I?
Lost Omens Check-In: Finding Balance (Remastered)
Newly Announced! Pathfinder Game Night: Dawn of the Frogs!
Pathfinder 2e GMs Essentials Giveaway!
Antipode to DnD
Paizo is seeking a new designer to join the Pathfinder Rules and Lore team! Permanent, full-time, entry-level position.
we joke and all but
Sweet vitriol's shocking rating on imdb just proves this
What are some games that (in your opinion) are ruined by their systems
I've tried and I just don't understand these two things about the community.
NPC core is out.
How to run a dungeon in a way that encourages roleplay?
Is there an anti-capitalist RPG where the BBEGs are billionaires?
[RF] Lenore Pike
Good Names.
Broo The side of Good and law in Pathfinder has no drip
Trans/Rad/Fem by Talia Bhatt is revolutionary, vital, and raw—I can’t recommend it enough for trans folks and allies
[LFA] Lenore Pike, Herald of the Grim White Stag
and it’s so much worse
Consensus on/experience with the Mortal Herald archetype?
Rate my Starshot Exemplar build
Choose Your Gender!
The Undying Rose: a homebrew pantheon about the beauty of undeath w/ Urgathoa, Sheyln, Arshea, Milani and Nocticula