Idc Zeus network is dark energy. I had the strangest dream about Lemmy a few days ago and it was… I didn’t wake up refreshed I woke up so drained
Buying a car with this as your income
I want to dispute a charge from Kia finance due to incorrect amount
aaron from two ways with erica mena on zeus network exposes zeus and calls zeus demonic
Tax Return hit
Aquarius and romance: how do you show romantic gestures?
Any hope whatsoever removing a repo from credit score ? I’m losing hope
How Tf did I eat like 3k calories yesterday but lose weight?
Am I the only one who doesn't like car dates?
What happens if they cant pay(not wont or dont have $$)
Had hundreds stolen from my account and Cashapp gave me every penny back
Are all the baddies scammers?
DTB fights best when shes drunk and angry
Summer so annoying she got these two teaming up😭
If you’re thinking of moving out and you have the means to, do it!
With the reunion being tomorrow, how do we rate Baddies Midwest?
African parents and their unhealthy relationship with money
Wheew if that ain’t the truth they need to start posting on Facebook so our parents can see
What is the process like when having to send forms proving my residency
Is anyone’s GMail also down?
Damn, I kind of feel bad for how unromantic my parents are specifically my dad. 😔
I swear my skin tone changes based on my weight
Father wishing bad on me (trigger warning)
Do your African parents treat your siblings the same or different to you?