Very hungry girl 😋[20]
Stručni ispit
Help with a logo design
I thought I was trans, but turns out I wasn’t and I’m embarrassed…
Kompilacija klix komentara na današnju paradu (do sad)
My therapist passed away
My grandparents in front of the house my whole family grew up in. Still madly in love and my role models.
Zdravstvo u BiH
Made a mistake and became a felon at 18. 8 years later after putting myself through school, I’m on a nation wide travel crew with General Electric doing millwright turbine work! Stay positive and keep working! Anything is possible!
I am going to kill myself in 10 days.
I am finaly better physically and mentally, but the road is still long
I felt betrayed and discarded
Vase misljenje o stranci Narod i Pravda. Koja je vasa percepcija. Nova SDA ili nesto bolje ili gore?
What compels you to want to live on?