Feel like I put the effort at the wrong time
Idk what im even waiting for
Uoftears lives to its name
what did you guys apply for?
anyone get in utsg life sci
What are my chances in these programs with a 92-93?
Crashing out
Macmaster life science conditional question
2025 Admissions Megathread
Which program?
guys are we gonna crash out again tmr
Is it possible for me to get into medsci, healthsci, or kin at uwo with a 89 avg
Mac of UofT Life Sci?
McGill or UofT???
what’s the conditional for McGill Biomedical group?
Has anyone been accepted to McGill Life Sci/Biomed group after midterms?
mcgill or uoft for life sci???
McMaster Life Sci or Mcgill Life Sci?
Is this a solid program list for wanting to do medicine? (gr11 😭)
Help picking program
U of T vs McMaster (life sci)
Mcgill self report
uoft life sci
McMaster Art Sci, McMaster & Uoft SG Life Sci, UTM psych