The marvel rivals venom design's face looks like riot's face more than venom's face
Fave Venom design that isn’t the classic one?
Which seat are you picking?
Here's my pokemon starters!
Could you imagine if this actually happens?
just finished reading absolute carnage section from VENOMNIBUS! Amazing artwork and story!
results for "draw a pokemon subscribing to mandjtv" by AI (which is your favorite?
Cubone variation?
Which Alolan pokemon would you like to get mega evolutions in LegendsZa
I peeled Rayquaza
Great meme (credit- meme center)
Favorite Venom Skin so far?
What was your first shiny?
If I had a nickel for every time, Marvel introduced a Symbiote character that looked similar to a Pokémon. I’d have 3 nickels
What pokemon is this from legends za?
Can I ask a question?
Saw this while shiny hunting
Thoughts on the starters?
Guys we might be getting a fairy type meganium as this guy knows disarming voice ( not in his moveset) . so it is basically confirmed. thoughts?
It is Theory Thursday! ( its Wednesday now) Predict your starters and reasons in the comments!
top 10 new mega lists to be submitted here!
Extremely true and funny meme! credit-: geek universe cheezburger
Happy pokemon day! what will the ride pkmn be( i think garchomp can fly)
We can go ahead and confirm that venom was in this "hive mind" in your friendly neighborhood spiderman.