You Get $1 Billion… But Every Time You Fly, There’s a 3.14% Chance of a Hijacking. Do You Take the Deal?
For every person you cure from cancer, you will receive anywhere from $10,000 to $10 million
Your friend gives you $20 for a lottery ticket and you win $100 million, how much are you giving your friend?
you get $1 but you have to ruin somebodys life
$1k daily no internet
You are King of a very small country
A genie appears and gives you any job you want…
Add 2 inches to your dick, 2 inches to your height, or $100,000 in the bank
Free Food Button or $100M
Orgasms feel 100x times as good, but your orgasm lasts for 30 minutes and makes 10 times the mess as usual.
Assuming you are 100% aware of every modern, scientifically accredited human psychological tic or behavioral cues, do you think you would be too anxious to make friends?
You wake up in the body of a king/ queen...
What song would you like played at your funeral?
Is there a better word for Vegan???
You're a lady
What would it take to make every person on earth nonexistent while continuing society
By pinching your knee, you can make anybody take off their makeup (or any accessory) and take it for yourself whenever the target is within 10in near you.
Pornhub puts tariffs on U.S content of 25%
How would a scythe do in the apocalypse? *not specificly this scythe*
Would you go on a civilian space test flight for $100 million, but 20% chance the spacecraft blows up.
A movie that isn't popular, but you like it.
What’s a skill that’s considered useless but you think is actually valuable?
Drive across your country to find money
If somebody snuck into your house and woke you up with breakfast, what meal would they have had prepared in order to not have the police called?
10m usd a month but your town is haunted