How do fully blind people regulate their circadian rhythm?
If you could visit your teenage self for 10 seconds what would say?
What is the first film that comes to mind when you see Kurt Russell?
For the 35-45 crowd, what was your first CD purchase?
People who have stopped going to church, what made you stop?
Is buying Canadian-made furniture worth the cost for you?
Millennials, what's y'all plan for retirement?
Do you still pay for cable TV or have you switched to streaming services?
How do men want to be loved by their gf/wife?
Do you get annoyed when women complain about the patriarchy?
People who are immune to a-holes, what's your secret? How are you not disturbed by rude, bossy, stubborn people who refuse to negotiate? How do you work with them, and without getting upset?
Curious how many men feel like the only time anyone cares about them is when that person needs/wants money😤
What’s something people do or say that makes you roll your eyes?
Can we check-in, fellow Canadians? How's it going?
In which ways are you exactly the same as your 13 year old self?
Those who grew up poor, what is something those who weren't poor don't understand about being poor?
Should I expose my boyfriend for cheating on his wife?
What comedian has so much hype but you don’t think is actually funny?
Who's an actor who nailed a role so hard that nobody else will ever be able to live up to it?
If someone you have a crush on suddenly touches your private parts for no reason, will you still like him/her?
Would you ever date a girl who never wants to get married?
Your partner’s ex-wife/ex-husband died for them, and every year they visit their grave and say something like, “Thank you for giving me a second chance at life.” You feel a bit jealous and ask if they will keep doing this every year for the rest of their life. They answer yes. What will you do next?
$10 million from a possibly immoral source or your debts cleared from a moral source
You lost your insulin and have 13 hours to find it or else you will die, what would you do?
If you're girlfriend said this, would it upset you?