Hold or sell?
Should I sell or wait longer? This card has been rising in price. Maybe because Megas are coming back to the TCG? In which case this card might become even more wanted?
2 months ago I asked this sub if Garchomp ex from PAR was undervalued...
Booster bundle vs. build & battle stadium
What are your thoughts on these gold starters long term?
Pikachu promo jumbo + fossil unlimited pack sealed with top deck issue 2 vol 2.
What in the Market buyouts is happening
Keep holding or sell? 🫣
Welp I was right
Stock market crashing but my Pokémon cards stay up
Should I get this card now or wait and see if the price will drop in the future?
Sell it Hold the Drowzee psa 10
Fusion Strike Gengar / Evo skies Moonbreon - what do we think?
According To Collectr, These Are My Most Valuable Cards
Wild prices for tag teams
Which will be the best Pokemon Center promo when SV stock is dried up?
Evolving Skies Booster Box
What do we think about Neo Discovery?
How my collection look as far
Astral Radiance ≈ Stellar Crown?
PC PE ETB Cases in Existence
Do you think in the long run prismatic is going to be as good of a set as evolving skies?
Found some of my old collection
Update Three
Fake XY? Please help especially if you own this set.