Rough date grass routes comp
Statements that make your blood boil
Pitch meeting
Favourite TV SHOW/MOVIE policing inaccuracies
Question for Police Officers
British police TV show tropes
I now understand “write what you know”
Looking for one page treatments for UK shows.
Keeping Treatments Short
Are these iconic custodian's helmets still worn?
Arrest necessity test
PC looked up Nicola Bulley details on days off and shared with mum
Does anyone else find it hard to talk about difficult experiences at work with people who aren't in the same job?
Police officers 'raging' amid proposed ban on TVs and radios
British police, ladies and gents…
Do British screenwriters need to be more ambitious?
What is the most suspicious behaviour you've encountered that turned out to have a completely harmless explanation?
How do you define horror screenplays?
fellow writers!📝✍️📖
Telegraph | Meme to muscle – it’s time for a police glow-up
Screenwriting Competitions
You got a warrant?!
For those who have sold a script or gotten repped, what’s one thing that actually helped?
Emailing the Gov
Potentially leaving the job as a probationer.