My friend finds this book boring 2 chapters in
I built a synchronized double helix Corkscrew
I managed to make a carnival game using Minigolf. This is two separate minigolf's with one hole, and entrance/exit layered on top of the station.
I built a synchronized double helix Corkscrew (video)
I've just been reading ebooks on this thing for about 5 days now
I might have just found the perfect sleeve for my Miyoo Mini...
The Holding Space Saga: Gaslighting
Will I make it through this winter?
Vodobanka: can't finish some user levels
Glinda is a pretty bad person
should i turn green for the movie and is anyone else 😭
Thoughts on Cory's Homework addition
My humble iPhone SE2 did it
And now they starve
Gifts for friends with baby?
What is your age, gender and favorite book(s)?
The most *well-written* book you've read
Any Chess Clubs Nearby?
In the US, if I had $100K loss carried over from previous years of stock sell, and I gained $100K this year, will I be taxed?
If I have a total capital loss of 100K in stocks from previous years, and I gained 100K in selling stocks this year, will I be taxed?
Trouble getting optional objectives in Breadification challenge
Challenge bath 3 Croissant Moon
Photographing Koi fish??
december and new year event preparation guide