TBH I used to believe all the bad stereotypes. Until I fell in love with this girl. This is the sweetest most obedient dog I have ever known. Especially with food and other dogs. 🐶
What was your turning point?
As an American still interested in consuming “news” outside any particular echo chamber, where do you look and why?
Texas Senate Passes Bill That Could Criminalize Owning Anime, Manga & Games With Loli Characters
What’s a ‘Common Knowledge’ Fact That You Just Learned embarrassingly Late?
How do you stop beating yourself over something?
Why the definition of "fish" is so unclear
When you just couldn’t resist but take that last shortcut.
Where would you use adhesives in packaging instead of classic heat sealing?
What's the hardest part of your healing journey?
Which subscription gave you the worst experience and is totally not worth the money?
Ladies of reddit: If you could peg any famous guy who would you peg and why?
What is one thing you no longer believe in?
How would you name it?
What’s your last meal on death row ?
What are the greatest seasons in your opinion? And why?
Her baby pooping birthmark, once you see it, it can’t be unseen
Same joke, but different
What's your favourite insult or comeback?
What are some creative hobby suggestions for 30 yo female that aren’t knitting or sourdough?
Painting Stick Broke.
Western red bat? Foothills central California
What's a forgotten trend from your childhood that you miss?
School tries to cover huge 65 foot penis on roof that is visible from space
What is the most tedious or annoying thing about your work?