Character we haven’t seen in a long time makes a return
(Great Trope) When a parody of a genre fixes the problems of said genre
What is a Death Battle episode you would enjoy a lot more if the loser won?
This is funny actually
(Loved Trope) Characters who look mean and intimidating but are also really funny and silly
Can we all agree that this is the worst "debunk" video of all time?
Now that Kaneki is coming to DBD who else would you want to see from other Anime?
Parents who aren't apart of the "Worlds" their partners/kids are apart of but are still extremely capable and tough to the point you can understand how their family members respect them even while they're technically "lesser"
Villains that had redeeming qualities in the original source material that were made far more evil in the adaptation
A date that gets mentioned in a show that becomes an inside joke (usually with fans reposting the scene on said date) or a date mentioned far in the future gets celebrated when it finally comes
Pretend for a second that spawn was announced as a killer for dead by daylight
Creators/directors/etc. that are practically as popular as the media they're known for
Non Tokyo Ghoul fans, what are your thoughts on Ken Kaneki being in the game? What was your reaction to the announcement?
From last year survey, 2 down, what people think is next?
I can't believe BHVR got the license for Spider-Man, kinda weird to make him a killer tho
Question, how would you think the fight would be set up? Between him.
New killer Ken kaneki
[Hated Trope] They’re not the good guy. They’ve never been the good guy. The creator(s) specifically *tell* you they’re not the good guy. Yet there’s a large number of fans who seem to believe that they’re the good guy.
What's something you want to see in the upcoming fight? (Other than Mahito dying horribly)
its need to be said THIS
Mahito VS Shigaraki be like
Death Battles that can hurt your bones.
Which of these losing Tournament of Champion's match ups are you most excited for next?