I've got some free time today. Let me draw your puppy!
I’m not sure.
Help me out.
Seen in Cinn. Oh
1 Cav Eat?
I just wanted to get beer.
Who’s NUC?
Drop your sleepy golden pics
Share the cutest photo of your golden to celebrate Friday
Tell me your dog is on pain meds without telling me your dog is on pain meds.
How big are most people’s Husky? (Pure bread)
Show me your huskies sleeping/resting in dumb/silly/sweet positions.
Let me sketch your dog round 2 ! (send in the comments)
Post the last picture of your golden. Go
Found 8’ in the ground while moving dirt. 12”diameter, about 60 lbs, rocklike material.
Today’s my 3rd Birthday!
My son and his girlfriend brought me a boba. How ironic!
Post a close up pic of your golden in the comments
Welp, the eye had to come out.
Show photos of your goofy husky !
2 weeks after surgery and we have a happy boy again!
Show me your Doggo as a Pupper!
Daisy’s enucleation surgery is scheduled for tomorrow morning. Anyone have tips for aftercare/what to expect?
Let's see your best buds!
What is this fitting called?