What is your favorite tank?
Arty has and will always ruin this game
Matchmaker Update: A New Core System for More Comfortable Battles
Everytime I think about coming back to WOT, I remember this is how it is and why I stopped playing in the first place
If the same election (Trump vs Harris) was held again today, do you think Trump still wins?
ArTy PrEvEnTs CaMpInG (no joke, I was getting shot at by two arty's the WHOLE game)
The Morale Mechanic of this game is making me want to quit.
Wargaming's amazing new game enhancing mechanic to the game : a 400$ NA only "freedom package"
Let's be real, everyone hate these
WG & Arty
Another day more horrible examples of bad MM code
sorry to wulfrun
What a mess
Old models
Excuse me? They are selling Skoda t56 again? 1 month later?
June 29th "casual" tourney in Plano, tx
Dallas area Conquesters
Conquest TLAOK in Plano,TX
This is a PSA - donate to stop BPD
Buy a 4 skill crew on the cheap using 1.24.1 crew changes
Is WG out of their minds? legit question.
This is (and is not) your regular MM bashing post
Winning a match 15-0 is NOT fun.