What's your favorite fruit flavor for anything food or drink related?
Knowing you have only 1 month left to live, which one of the continents would you travel to?
Would you rather let Adolf Hitler go to art school or let Ronald Reagan be an A-list celebrity?
What genre of music do you generally listen to when working out?
Should miners be allowed to watch R rated movies without a parent or adult guardian?
Have you ever seen a 3d printer in action?
Wyr: Would you rather lick someone’s money, or the screen of their phone?
WYR take off all your clothes everytime you need to pee, or put on shoes and socks everytime you need to pee?
What would you say the biggest showstopper for why we haven't been to mars yet is?
If a child would drown without your intervener, under what condition would you intervene?
If you were writing a story and the story included a tracking chip under a character's skin where would it be?
You are offered $500,000 but only if you go into the last video game you played as the main character at the start of the game. If you survive a full year you get the money.
Is a manned mars mission plausible in the near term?
Which is your favorite album?
Is it coorcive to donate blood if snacks are provided afterward ?
Wyr "have a never ending supply of tacos or never ending supply of pizza?"
Would you run for president of the United States?
What discomfort level would you rate it?
Would mammoths and mastodons sound like a modern-day elephant based on their similarities?
What are the odds we will ever see a de extinct "mammoth" within our lifetime?
What is your personal favorite decade for rock music (including metal)?
Do you think a rock band will play a concert in space by the end of the century?
When you picture a ski mask how many holes does it have?
Picture a balaclava or ski mask , what color is it?
CIA Ground Branch-You don't have to dress in all black with full body-armor guys
CIA Ground Branch