For Fire/Bug we have Gohma, specifically from Wind Waker! Which Nintendo character would be Fire/Ghost?
'Trails of' Grammys Awards - Day 31: Best Album Overall
Name one good thing about this season
'Trails of' Grammys Awards - Day 30: Best Artist
Hot take: frontier is my favorite season of digimon
Cold Steel IV is easily the hardest Cold Steel game to platinum...
'Trails of' Grammys Awards - Day 29: Strongest Start
'Trails of' Grammys Awards - Day 28: Best Use of Leitmotif
New route connecting fallarbor and lavaridge
Getting Started With Optimal Character Builds for Beginners
'Trails of' Grammys Awards - Day 27: Best Special Arrangement
Mega Delphox concept
Games that will be beneficial for the mouse function in switch 2
What are still some unanswered questions presented early in the series?
'Trails of' Grammys Awards - Day 26: Best Super Arrangement
Quick Questions Thread
All new Trails in the Sky 1st Character Videos
'Trails of' Grammys Awards - Day 25: Best Evolution Arrangement
'Trails of' Grammys Awards - Day 24: Best Credits Theme
What are the plusses and minuses of the different classes in Xenoblade X?
'Trails of Grammys' Awards - Day 23: Best 'Relaxing' Theme
'Trails of Grammys' Awards - Spreadsheet Template
Beating Every Mega Man Boss Until A New Game Is Announced: Day 569 - ElecMan.EXE
What name did you choose for the group?
'Trails of Grammys' Awards - Day 22: Best 'Casual' Theme