Small town community theatre play selection
DMX controller fiasco
Biggest annoyance for petstore employees
What is the oldest dream you can still recall?
Season 7 toxic and what’s unsaid
Who's the most famous person you've met?
Why did we hate Barney the purple dinosaur so much that we made graphic songs about killing him?
Tv shows with successful/strong female lead
Does the movie only make sense to people who have read the book?
How long do you wear a bra before you wash it?
US pet stores and selling companion animals.
Are there any tv shows where you never skip intro because the theme song is awesome?
Whatever wins in this post is what I’ll call them from now on: light brown or dark hazel?
Looking for series with characters with physical disabilities?
Let's talk about: biologics & TNF blockers
Employed Millenials, how do you like your job?
Hurricane fun deck
What’s the best Ben & Jerry’s flavor?
Songs that feel like this?
Do you wear deodorant even on days your alone and know that nobody is coming round?
Pick one to survive the whole show. Who and why?
How really common are guns in the US? And how accepted are they?
Any dystopian movie recommendations?
WTW for people/groups who are hired to go to protests and cause violence and destruction so police can shut it down?
Does anybody here prefer subtitles on in a movie or show even if you understand the language?