Collecting razor clams
Nicest way to slay...
10-year-old walks alone a mile away from Georgia home, leading to his mother's arrest
I’m turning 20 in two months. Is it true that time goes faster from 20-30 than from 10-20?
Do people actually make their beds every morning?
Government tries to introduce K-Pop concerts in North Korea. This is their reaction.
How the FUCK did humans get to Hawaii???
Can you bail out random people from jail?
Jaywalker on phone gets plowed - absolutely nails the landing
Matt Gaetz is going to be AG…we’re screwed
Israeli settler stealing a Palestinian’s home, and tried to hand the man his own milk
In what cases do you believe road rage is valid?
what you Guys do with the Users who have have Big mailbox size, <50GB
Fat freddy belly checks you from 3ft away, what do you do?
They moved past chem trails. Now they are making chemCLOUDS. This cloud is full of DIHYDROGEN MONOXIDE
Raw Vegan Pizza
my uncle just sent this to me. i will not be attending thanksgiving!
I am sick of how some people enjoy slut shaming.
How to handle a boyfriend who keeps wanting to talk about politics?
Men of culture understand
User says his second monitor doesn't work and he has tried everything
Donald Trump’s spiritual advisor Scamvangelist Kenneth Copeland says there will be “no more rainbow flags” after re-election.
How should a man react if another man put his hands on him and pushes him?
so impressed with win 10 iot ltsc i want to redo my computer now lol