Are there any limits when it comes to shattered legion?
What should I get to expand my army to a 2k point
30k Loyalist IW artillery
Why do you pick your legion?
My first error!
Collecting Japanese vs English tcg
How do I split one Age of Darness box for 2 players?
Ia your 30k army and your 40k army the same?
Experience with Dark Miniatures?
I manage to get myself an Age of Darkness box and wanted to try painting different colour schemes.
How is dark miniature as a seller?
Repulsor vs Repulsor Executioner vs Impulsor
What each heraldry mean?
Mind sharing your sister's colour scheme?
Salamander player learning too paint Black. Help
Dreadnought sizes comparison
maybe maybe maybe
Send me your army scheme for me to steal :D
Starting the year off with a new army. Any improvement to the colour scheme?
Done with my first trial of paint schemes for my bugs. What basing should I use?
Little highlight from today's game
Filling in the gap
Finished my first 2 units of my Highfleet what do you guys think
Vanguard Veteran got unnecessary nerf
1k nids done with this lil guy