Oral exams: public speaking
biology, chemistry, irish and spanish grinds
Lc spanis - H1
Finished All Episodes
Carlos or Francisco? Why?
What subject(s) are you not using for points?
Help for Spanish 🇪🇸
Is there any easy subjects you can learn at home fast
How do I download an app?
How did she learn so many languages?
Alain Delon and Romy Schneider ?
Que pensent les Français d’Alain Delon? What do the French think of Alain Delon?
How do I learn French in a week
Why did he and Romy film La piscene together?
should i change subject
Kate Moss/Naomi on Victoria Beckham
KateMoss& Naomi on Victoria Beckham
Had no idea Naomi Campbell and Victoria Beckham ever had beef!
LC Biology outside school?
Claire smoking?
Wow I forgot about this
The Empress season 2?
What’s the first sign you get that makes you know you’re coming on your period?
Great Irish content girls!
I think this is the end of them