Best dsbm record to start off???
what is the greatest dsbm song of all time in your eyes? I'll start
Como começar a escutar Metal?
What was your VERY first gateway into heavy music?
Fav tracks on Il était une forêt...?
Give Me an Album That You Believe Is Perfect
what genres do yall like other than dsbm?
Ohh hell nahh 🌚
Photophobia - Gazin' Up at the Moon
give me songs to listen and rate 1-10
Who has the best sounding drums in metal?
Your current favorite DSBM songs/albums
Band/song recommendations?
minha opinião sobre o dsbm
Qual era sua banda favorita no começo? E qual é sua banda favorita atualmente?
What is your favourite dsbm riff??
What are y'all's favorite DSBM bands?
Give me a song to listen to and I'll rate it 1-10
Por que insistem em mandar essas coisas para goticas?
"Greatest vocalist" doesn't matter, what vocalist resonates with YOU the most?
can you guys recommend your fav bands to me
Fonts for logo
My first single
dsbm songs not in english