Things do work out (like actually)
Mission trips
Costa Rica Girls Trip Advice
Mcat as an award
Bags at Airport/Termini
Safety & Meeting People
Dont need to memorize Amino Acids
I feel beaten down
parents are… the worst?
How much of an issue is time on the MCAT
6/22 Score Reaction
Are y’all also scared of score release (6/22)
Yall ready for the infamous 6/22 exam!?
Do you ever feel ready?
Really struggling to make a good long-term study plan. I'm fantastic at executing a plan, but I am terrible at making a plan. I'm so anxious that the plan I have won't work. Things don't feel as smooth as they should. What daily plan works??
6/22 test takers how we feeling about the upcoming score release?
For those doing well do you get excited to take this test?
Comprehensive MCAT Score Prediction Tool
Is it enough to recognize structures rather than memorize them
6/22 Pre-Score Release Reaction
Secondary Review Buddy!
6/22 Exam Reactions
What no one talks about, period cramps on TEST DAY