A hypothetical ruby gillman teenage kraken 2
Honestly, the reason why you ship chelsea and Ruby and make Chelsea redemption fanfics is petty.
Make the comments look like ruby’s search history
What's a video game you think you can beat Greg in?
Maaannn,Annie Murphy is fiiinnne.🔥🔥🔥😍😍😍
What was the best thing about pacific rim uprising
Do you think Ruby gillman teenage kraken 2 will have kaiju?
You know, Ruby is overhated, I think she deserves some love :3
For the swarm invasion, they add these soldier characters. What are they supposed to be?
Doawk: the breach: pages 1 to 16
How Chelsea got me feelin'...
What’s the scariest rollercoaster, story wise?
Why do autistic people love Ruby gillman teenage kraken?
So, what are your headcanons?
Soon very important
Ruby once said…
Grid games ranked (my opinion!)
What if these two teamed up
Ok, even I got to admit, Chelsea really is beautiful.
Ruby with her love letter
The only time my favorite YouTuber offends me.
So why do we love Ruby gillman teenage kraken?
What would you fix about grid 2?
The reason why I don’t want Chelsea and nerissa to be separate
As DreamWorks fans ourselves, what are your thoughts on Disney?