Modern ga(y)ming rule
gottem. o7 don't forget me *gunshot*
I’m lost
A friend made this. Thought it might fit.
Civ 7 has some of the worst diplomacy I've ever seen
Pacing Poll
Where can I get a set of armor in the uk?
I swear I've seen this before...
The GUN is rich
Holy shit Russia is strong
Ask me anything, and edit your comment to make my reply look horrible.
[KCD2] am ready for mods
I was going to India but I accidentally found this land. How I should call it?
We Are the Trisolarans: An Alternate Solar System wherein the Sun is one of three stars
[KCD2] Me after playing the game and studying the history.
Community notes rule
I like Fallout: New Vegas and personally think it is a somewhat better game than Fallout 3
Which is best in ur opinion
i’m an american and i’ve never heard of goopenshittenberg, can anyone here show me where it’s located?
Ck3 big announcement vs average Tinto Talks