Does anyone watch Futurama here?
In a year that I've not been on this sub
Does this look good enough for a photography final piece??
Can y'all shut up about rap snacks
Someday I'll have all four and I'll put them in a barbie car
Hey fellow gooners!
About to throw this into traffic
Happy cake day to me 💪💪
erm guys don't mean to alarm you BUT THEY FUCKING GREW
Me when there's a new ep and I can't watch:
Introducing, the one, the only, Schlock Monkey!
Holy shit schlatt was right
Why does this have such good meme potential
Both looking very fancy today
Jacob Schlandler upsets Teddy Roosevelt. How are you de-escalating the situation? Explain.
You guys need to appreciate how pretty these guys both are
What type of cheese is made backwards?
Fun fact for all you call me alpha fans, 50 shades of grey was actually based off of a twilight fan fic
Unlimited bacon but no games, or games, unlimited games but no games?