If you’re doing stories and talking….why would you eat??
Keely wtf
Her lips!!
Is it wrong to have a favorite child?
At work, Keely. That’s what we’re doing.
KT Clark the jewelry scammer dry begging for sales to get her to 1,000 sales by her 2 year anniversary
Her day was so stressful she doesn’t want to say what happened because “y’all wouldn’t believe me if I told you”
The lips….why does she make these faces in videos??
Now she’s fake getting emotional to get people to buy more shit. Scammer!!
Yeah Keely, but we have full-time jobs 🥰
Spot the difference 🙃
What is wrong with her? I didn’t edit this at all, she posted it like this to her stories
She is NOT going to handle this well. She cares about how her dogs look as much as she cares about her appearance.
I don’t know how she still has followers. I used to like her so much when she was teaching. Her personality now is just completely different, not to mention her rants about things that are literally so trivial.
She just made a whole video on how “her finger doesn’t belong to a man” and said she’s going to keep wearing a ring. But yet when she was married she would take the ring off to get questions about it and to bait her followers 🤔
Is she ok lol
The Starbucks rant 🙄 ffs, did she quit her job to become a professional complainer???
What is this facial expression 🥴
Build A Bear for Mabel
I thought she was homeschooling? Kindergarten meeting?
The drink sound 🤮
my dad has stage 4 colorectal cancer -what can we expect ?
Her latest rant
Why would she post this with her rbf