Critique the first chapter of my Indian inspired fantasy! [Fantasy, 1178 words]
What has grown on you the most?
True Enemies to Lovers
Biggest Turn-Off For A Fantasy Book
Books that make u feel good
Is it just me or does anyone else really want spinoff novels of johanna and finnick's games? I feel like they would be really interesting
If there’s a third installment…
An honest opinion about Vaggie
Rhys became boring
Am I wrong for being annoyed at how weak this fandom portrays Angel as?
How to make a battle climactic when one side has a god?
My Main Character does not feel human
Cardan Appreciation
A book for a mature soon to be 12 y/o girl?
why are they called 'the folk of the air'?
Tell me about the most interesting less known mythological tales you know
Recommendations for Teen boys?
In honor of Pride Month, who are some of your queer characters?
Books like the Hunger Games
Book recs with heroines like Aelin and Jude
Books with protagonists like Aelin and Jude
Why would the MC want to get involved?
What are your main issues with writing Eastern races in a Fantasy setting?