AITAH for not standing up for my pregnant fiancée who ate my daughter’s cupcake ?
hows this for a flapper/1920s look??
join us! an 18+ discord server for dress to impress with contests, giveaways, daily events, games, and more!
Why does everybody hate ethereal outfits?
Themes- I’m ruthless
Is it just me or are pro servers not really pro anymore?
Hot Takes
Saying "grape" is honestly tilting.
People who have very common names try to act like it’s mispronounced all the time
We listen, and we don't judge: DTI edition
gonna be a hypocrite for a minute but like.....why???
To any Americans lurking in this sub...
This is the lowest amount of players I’ve ever seen on dti…
Unpopular Opinion
What so many people call "picky" is just not liking foods they like
Lord Frogbert!
Why are people in a hurry to get to the red light?
“SiX pEoPLe OnLy”
what's your favorite item to use? mine are the bandaids~
Do people hate top models?
If you're going to pull out in front of me...
When people pronounce Worcestershire "wash your sister"
My friend might be completely insane