W: Gunther Big Iron H:Pounders or combo Breakerz
H: Rejuvenator's, Reflective, Ranger's, Pin-Pointer, Pounder's, Polished, Limit-Breaking, Aegis, Scanner's, Arms Keepers, Thru-Hiker - W: Glowing Unicorn Mask, but will consider other rare Mask
H: Reflective W: Pinpointers
H: epg mods, aligned flamer barrel, and reflex sight W: Pinpointers
H: Limit-breaking*2, Reflective, Polished & Pounders W: Pinpointer or Rejuvenators
H: Pounders W: Rejuvenators
H: x2 conductors, pounders, quad, AA W: bloodied, lightweight, pinpointers, sentinels
H: Gatling Plasma guns with Accelerated Nozzle & Stinging core W: Just the materials that it cost to craft them, or whatever you would like to trade for one.
H: Stinging plasma gat W: free
H: Mods W: Scanner's mods
H:Aegis(5), Rejuvenator(4), Tanky(4) W:Reflective x5
[PC] H: Ability to craft fully modded Gat Plasma W: Plans, Offers
H:Scanners W:Pinpointer
H: List W: Q2525 LR , Guns , Armor Set
H: Weapons! W: LL3
W:enclave plasma gun mode most notably forceful stock, aligned automatic barrel, reflex site H:b2525 fixer b50c15r fixed, and a glowing pig mask+25 ll3 plus other various plans the mothman
H: List W: Offers, Q2525 LR , Q50c25 AD, Apparel
H: epg reflex sight W: epg calibrated capacitor
H: EPG Calibrated Capacitor & Aligned Auto Barrel mod. W: EPG Reflex Sight mod.
H: EPG Calibrated capacitator + Reflex sight mods W: EPG Forceful stock mod (2:1)
[PC] H: Loon, Deathclaw, Crazy Guy, and Buffoon Masks, TSE25 Fixer, Bone Chill Mask, Hammered Skull Mask, Mothman Tome, Butter Churner, and Weenie Wagon Plans W: Crude Skull Mask, Wood Nymph Moth, Io Moth Plans
H: Hammered skull mask plans W: Bone chill skull mask plans
W:Q2525 ultracite laser rifle H:Q2525 railway rifle
W: slugbuster H: 8000 caps and various flux
H: Glowing pig mask W: Q2525 Handmade