Yoo what are y'all planning for holi?
Looking for friends in Chandigarh
Need a free therapy!!
Is it ok to talk to a girl?
What is your first memory of Chandigarh? And how has Chandigarh changed since then?
I joined this sub in 2019
What's your favourite KK song ?
Planning to live on rent in Chandigarh. Suggestions?
This loneliness not goes away
Katra Ropeway Protest
Rainy day and Chicken .
Suggest me songs to add in this playlist:)
Covered Phir Kabhi on Guitar 🎸
Tell yours
What type of beauty do I have?
Best ice cream?
Hi i am 17M in 12th class i manage to make 40-50k every month from side gigs. The question is i am going all in on crypto instead of doing SIP. i want high returns and want to live in my 20's
Finally had a successful tricity reddit group meetup
Urgent Suggest Required
What is your reddit age?
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