The artist for Sorcerer’s cover (Nessim Higson) posted the other artwork and drafts he came up with that went unused
Which book you've saved for later?
How many books (non fiction and fiction) have you read this year so far, and what you would rate/review them?
Best dystopian short stories
I don't get the love for Notes from Underground
What are some of your favorite film scores
James Bond Elimination Game Day 1: 'Second Tier' Bond Girls (Pick one to eliminate)
What are your favorite sad songs? I'm looking for all different kinds
Similar to American psycho?
I found the worst David Lynch essay
So the job market is actually quite bad right now (from the Atlantic)
Day six, what’s the most forgettable
Having finished The Moviegoer and being half way through Revolutionary road, the 1962 National Book Awards is dumbfounding.
Public figures you genuinely believe are or were CIA assets?
The oldest movie you love?
Suggest me a book that breaks my brain
What are your comfort horror movies?
Most unfitting movies for Valentines Day
Men that pay for Onlyfans/Porn are the most pathetic creatures on this planet
Were getting our incandescent light bulbs back
Expectations for super bowl halftime shows are way too high
Which David Lynch character would you want as a dream guide?
The Vanishing (1988) Director George Sluizer | Creepy, Visceral, and Suspenseful Film