Godamn, being a Chomper main is a painful experience
Play Time with every character
Just because you have a Opinion doesn't mean it can't be a Trash Opinion.
Let them learn bruh
Peashooter Tier lost
I've got 1000 hours in the game, So I decided why not post a tier list. These are my thoughts on each character in the game, and they are based on Xbox gameplay
What if we all tried to convince EA to bring back unicorn chomper if we could revive the game???
Who wins and at what Diff? (Death Battle across the verses)
Day 7 user u/Fearlessgabe1 got the most upvotez (again) so Super brainzes? mirror is now facing the right way (most upvoted comment wins)
Chompas roll out
Thoughts on regular peashooter
Day 6 user Serpentine_2 got the most upvotez so Super brainz now has nerd glassez (most upvoted comment wins)
Dear gw2 community
Day 4 user u/Hungry_Season_757 got the most upvotez so Super brainz now has a bigger mirror (most upvoted comment wins)
Interesting fact: Rock Pea just wants a hug.
Day 3 user u/Fearlessgabe1 got the most upvotez so Super brainz now has a mirror (most upvoted comment wins)
Who do you think is the best scientist?
Name me a better combo i'll wait
What you gonna say you rock pea haters?
Where did that image originally come from?
Would the world be a better place if R*se was erased from existence?
Day 2 user u/Monke2838392 got the most upvotez so Super brainz now haz Jordans (most upvoted comment wins)
Recently mastered lil drake, do you guys have any character recommendations that are similar to him?
My ranking on gw2 )Foot solders) and (pea shooters)
Make the comment section look like Crazy Dave's Internet history