My Final Verdict on the Boox Note Max
How to restore stained wood cart with unknown inlay
My TV just auto updated to 1661 - where is the Apps button?
Help me find a new MUD to try, cause I have tried a few XD
America right now
Google Voice w/ Light Phone?
Five Four: TikTok v. Garland
I found Diablo 4 for one cent at the store I work for😭
Why are 40K books or Warhammer books in general so expensive?
Should I trash my brand-new Roborock S6?
I feel like this is true for at least 45% or maybe even more of the player base
These characters pain me so much...
Just test drove a Santa Cruz, so nice...but...
Someone explain custom puzzles to me w/ regards to size
Saturday is sold oit
First Time Going - Comparisons to Gen Con
Who is a “strong female protagonist” done right?
Are there any higher end Android tablets with a 4:3 or 3:2 aspect ratio I tried a Galaxy Tab S7 Plus but I could not get used to the 16:10 aspect ratio. 11-12 inches preferably but bigger is acceptable as is slightly smaller.
Zelle is the worst payment service
Pixel 9 Pro is Head and Shoulders better than S24 Ultra.
These are the neighbors showing their true selves in Brookline
Pro Trump restaurants to avoid
Racism in Western PA
First time at Pax Unplugged
How was everyone's pax 2023 experience?